Resources Continued

 The following are further sites and resources that I have found in my searching that I would like to look into further. I won’t endorse them all as I have not fully researched them or gone to the locations, or even met the people in person. These are links to other communities that look interesting and useful, to give further insight into different aspects of Celtic Christian Spirituality, and for self-discovery, and spiritual edification.



Celtic Spirituality Do

To Come Home to yourself

Modern Celtic Christianity

Modern Celtic Christianity By Donald Meek

I arise to life today,
I arise to light and love.
I arise to life today,
Through the love of God above.
I arise to life today,
In the power of the Creator adored.
I arise to life today,
Through Christ our risen Lord.
I arise to life today,
With energy for each hour,
I arise to life today,
In the Holy Spirit’s power.

Celtic Prayers by David Adam, vicar of Lindisfarne


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